TRAILS Outdoor School Mottos

TRAILS Outdoor School emphasizes getting kids outside, educating through experience and nurturing through nature.

What does TRAILS stand for?

  • Trust

  • Respect

  • Awareness

  • Interdependency

  • Leadership

  • Stewardship

These school mottos speak to who we are as a community and what we strive to instill in the students of TRAILS.

It's not who's right, it's what's right.
Respect nature.
What if everyone did as I am doing?
We never say "it's not mine."
The 4 magic words we all use are "how can I help?"
We speak 80% with our body language and 20% verbal
We always leave a place better than we found it.
Give care to yourself, each other, and this space.
Work hard, play hard.