What is Ashland Connect?  

Ashland Connect is a program within the Ashland School District that allows students and families more flexibility with the time and direction of their education. The foundation of this program is flexible on-line instruction that students can master at their own pace, without the requirement of synchronous learning, and the opportunity for hybrid experiences. Students will have in-time teacher support from an Ashland School District staff that provides pathway planning, consultation to the family to support learning, and a space to get work done with the help of a licensed teacher throughout the school day. 

The hybrid option allows students to come in person at TRAILS Outdoor School for electives, academic support, after-school activities, lunch, recess, and more. The Ashland teacher will support you in keeping your student on track academically and connecting them to the “in real life” opportunities that exist in the school district and our community. As a student in the Ashland School District, they will have access to high quality education, athletics, activities, clubs and more. All of this with the flexibility of deciding what time of day, and the length of time each day that your student will spend on school.  

What curriculum does Ashland Connect provide? 

Families are given options for curriculum choice, which grow each year as our program grows: 

K-5 utilizes a program called Flexpoint, with options to use district curriculum for some subjects and in-person electives and activities.  

6-8 utilizes Edgenuity, a rigourous and user-friendly curriculum, with options for in-person electives and activities as well.  

What is the benefit of using this online provider with the Ashland School District rather than homeschooling?   

The benefits are numerous! For example, a team of dedicated school district employees are available who can connect you to other resources that are within the district. We provide weekly or biweekly check-ins to answer any questions and to be an extra extension of support for your home-based learning. The ability to connect to your community through outdoor extracurricular activities is another extension of this program. Access to material resources are also provided by the school district. Ashland Connect students also have access to specialists, resource teachers, and school counselors as needed.  We also recognize and meet all needs for 504 and IEP plans, hold regular meetings, and assign students with these needs to our resource teacher for extra support. 

How does Attendance work?  

Each day, students and families give 2-way communication with the teacher.  Typically, this is a short and simple email that you reply to, taking about 30 seconds each day.  Attendance can also be recorded by coming in person. Logging in to classes each day is also closely monitored. If you would like to pre-clear an absence your student may have, you would contact our lead teacher Amanda Groover (541-482-1516 x1261) 

What supplies does my student need?  

Supplies are listed within each individual course, but your teacher will give you a list of “basic” supplies.  Any needed supplies for courses can be provided to families if they are unable to provide them for their student.  

How many hours a day are expected to complete coursework?  

Edgenuity suggests spending 40 – 60 minutes per course per day. For K-5 grade levels, this includes four core classes: math, language arts, science, and social studies. For 6-8 grade levels, there are the same four core classes by grade level with the optional addition of 1-2 electives. Students should expect to spend 30 minutes a day on elective classes. It is also important to schedule brain breaks, discuss lessons, and set goals for student success.  Hybrid students may also come in person for electives, activities, lunch, recess, and more. 

How do I know if I’m staying on pace with my online courses?  

Online classes come equipped with an intuitive pacing tool that tracks the progress of assignments as they're submitted. This feature is designed to serve as a friendly companion on your student's educational journey, helping them navigate their course with ease. It's a simple guide to ensure smooth progress, not a pressure point. 

Moreover, the course map neatly arranges assignments by date, providing a clear daily roadmap for your student. This organization is all about empowering students to manage their workload confidently and without stress. 

Furthermore, our district teacher brings a wealth of expertise in crafting effective pacing plans, fine-tuning courses to fit individual needs, and offering supportive guidance every step of the way. Their role is to facilitate a positive, stress-free learning experience, ensuring that the pacing tool is a helpful ally, contributing to your student's educational success, rather than a source of concern. 

What if I want to add or drop a class?  

Our policy allows for a one week grace period from enrollment for adding or dropping classes. This provides the opportunity to try out a course and make sure it matches your students' needs. If you feel that a course fits this category, reach out to your Ashland Connect teacher.  

What if I believe I am ahead of the curriculum?   

There is a pre-assessment feature that allows your student to test out of material they already know and advance in a course. It is important to note that this tool will pop up for every new module/lesson prior to start, but will not be available if you are in the middle of a module/lesson. Three attempts are given during the pre-tests, and the highest grade will apply if passing.   

What is the difference between Ashland Connect and the school campus it operates on?    

Ashland Connect is a program within the Ashland School District. Ashland Connect was designed intentionally as a hybrid academy and always will be, so students will have home-based learning included as at least part of their education. However, we know how important it is to have a local schools to foster connections and tap into the district resources, which is why we have multiple overlap opportunities that the Ashland Connect teacher arranges with TRAILS Outdoor School. 

What in-person opportunities are there with the Ashland Connect program, if any?  

We offer in-person support for students who need a quiet place to study, extra academic support or extensions, or just want to engage with peers. We have hybrid options for attending up to three days per week for part of the day.  Fridays are reserved for fun, social opportunities that often include a field trip to a local place or with multiple community partners, or joining a TRAILS class on an Outdoor Ed excursion.. 

How do I apply for the Ashland Connect program?  

Click Here to navigate to our application page.